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Get into the fast lane!

Sync your soul’s heartbeat with your true love’s melody

AlgoRhythm is a new FREE dating app that we’ve created just to bring people together. It’s your very own mix tape, a medley of potential partners.

We curate unique playlists of people based on information we hold and inferences we’ve made about your location, age, ethnic identity, gender and sexual preference, work, interests, likes and dislikes, past dating and relationship encounters, physical characteristics, ethical and religious values and so much more.

We’re confident that you’ll like who we’ve selected, so what are you waiting for?!

Just press ‘play’ to start searching, and ‘pause’ whenever you feel a connection.


DISCLAIMER: AlgoRhythm isn’t really about bringing people together – although that’s a nice byproduct. It’s really a sneaky way for us to get data on people who don’t have Futurebook accounts, which means we can track with more accuracy why people click on ads and get more money from our partners. Just so you know, if you’re non-white, you’ll probably be on AlgoRhythm for ages, because the way we select which people to offer you is biased. Sucks to be you.


Don’t be a solo act – share this fadvert and encourage your friends to sign up today!